
Journal of Undergraduate Research


triarchic abilities, college-rainbow project, sound assessment


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




The goal of this ongoing research project is to develop and implement a battery of tests that would supplement the current SAT I and II tests, and improve the prediction of academic performance and success of college-bound students during the crucial freshman year of college. The intent is to develop measures that would add incremental validity to the SAT’s, lending to prediction of academic achievement beyond that obtained by (a) the SAT’s and (b) high school grades. By adding new assessments to the SAT, we hope to address concerns about “at risk” students, those who presumably “under achieve,” and others who are likely to drop-out of college. Adding to the validity of the SAT in this way will allow students to better prepare for college and will strengthen the connection to college through sound assessment. The theory animating these new forms of assessment is rooted in Sternberg’s (1985, 1988) triarchic theory of human intelligence.

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