
Journal of Undergraduate Research


bilingual fluency, southeast Asian population, psychology students


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




Psychological outcome measures are designed to measure levels of psychological functioning. Scores on such measures may be compared across time to calculate a psychotherapy client’s progress, recovery, or deterioration. Additionally, scores from large populations may be normalized to indicate what therapists designate as levels of clinical functioning. The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) is one of the leading tools in this line of psychotherapy outcome research (Lambert et al., 1996). Since its development, it has been utilized in dozens of countries and translated into a handful of languages, including German, Japanese, Korean, French, and Spanish. Studies assessing the effects of culture on outcome measurement have been conducted previously in Chile, Germany, Canada, Japan, and Korea. The purpose of this study was to test an established diagnostic tool in a previously unexplored region and culture, the Philippines. Further, the aims of this study were to validate the normative scores and levels of functioning established by previous research in other world regions.

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