
Journal of Undergraduate Research


historical evolution, Latin American city structure, architectural styles


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




When the European explorers came to America they brought with them their pattern of city design. Jorge Hardoy (1982) asserts that the Spanish “built cities that in layout, architectural styles, technology, land-use patterns and even in criteria used to select the location of the new settlements” was just as they had done in Europe (24). As part of their European tradition, the conquistadors believed that God should be the focus of all good society, and therefore built the local Catholic church in the center of the newly established city. Regardless of the size of the local population, a church would always be constructed at the center of town. Directly in front of the edifice a park would be established for recreational use. Usually at the other end of the park, away from the church and across the street, the local government buildings would be erected. Today the palacio municipal usually houses such things as the local governor, city engineers, and public utilities.

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