
Journal of Undergraduate Research


SIGGRAPH, computer graphics, tradigital animation, 3D tools


Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology




After researching the topic and after listening to the many voices of experience a few things became readily apparent. Perhaps most important was the perspective of my project. I approached the project with the intent of trying to isolate traditional animation from 3D animation and find out the future of both. After attending the annual SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference in San Antonio, speaking with many people in the industry, and becoming more involved myself it is clear that things are not as black and white as they first appeared to me. Mark Thomas, president, Right Hemisphere, “ I think the distinction (between 2D and 3D) will become more blurred over the next few years as traditional cel animation is mixed seamlessly with 3D props and environments using a new generation of 3D tools. “ This type of combined animation is being seen more and more as the industry combines the two art forms to produce different types of motion pictures with a different look.
