
Journal of Undergraduate Research


PAS kinase, metabolic disease, diabetes, therapeutic targets


Life Sciences


Microbiology and Molecular Biology


Many diseases that affect humankind are poorly understood. The medical and scientific communities alike rely heavily on basic scientific research to fuel dissemination of knowledge to said communities for further applied research, including clinical and pharmaceutical efforts. Diabetes is still poorly understood despite its prevalence in today’s society. In lieu of the research that has been done so far, PAS kinase is becoming an increasingly promising subject for research as a possible therapeutic target for diabetes. Studies have shown that PAS kinase is involved in metabolic regulation and mouse experiments have been done which show these results.1 As we learn more about PAS kinase and identify its downstream targets, the more therapeutic targets we will have for treating the adverse effects of type II diabetes. What my research team and I have uncovered in the past few months may prove to have such an impact, pending further research.1

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Microbiology Commons
