
Journal of Undergraduate Research


public health, Southeast Asia, adolescent health, body image, smoking


Life Sciences


Health Science


Outcome 1: Students will develop research and presentation skills and gain confidence in their abilities. This project directed students to work on research conducted in Thailand focusing on adolescent body image and smoking. Students participated in research planning, collecting data and making sense of results, constructing data tables, translating research instruments, developing presentations, presenting findings at international conferences, and developing a manuscript for submission. A survey instrument was constructed to assess appearance-related social pressure, body weight satisfaction, and weight loss/maintenance behaviors in adolescents. Students worked with researchers in Thailand to translate the instrument from English to Thai, and through the collaboration of Chiang Mai University, the instrument was administered to 1500 students attending six high schools in Chiang Mai. Students also worked analyzing secondary data concerning body weight issues and cigarette smoking among Thai youth to develop presentations that were made at international conferences. Students read relevant research, conducted literature searches, and provided input in the development of research activities. Students also worked to prepare IRB proposals for this research. To date this work has resulted in seven presentations at international conferences and one submitted article to a refereed journal.
