
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Saints at War, Vietnam, Mormon studies, LDS servicemen


Religious Education


Church History and Doctrine


How does the Lord view participation in something as controversial as war? In scriptural history, we read that He supports the righteous through added strength, prosperity, and oftentimes, victory. The Lord’s followers often fought due to the commandments of God, whereas today’s wars are fought for political reasons. While “History of the Church in Vietnam, 1965-1975” does not focus on the Lord’s opinion on war, it does show how He uses it as a tool to carry on his work. As Joseph Smith said: “Armies may assemble . . . but the truth of God will go forth, boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear.”1 The finished article shows that despite, or maybe in thanks to the assembled armies in the Vietnam, the truth of the Lord truly went forth, and the church grew in Vietnam.

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