
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Council of Fifty, historical literature, Utah elections, political committee


Religious Education


Church History and Doctrine


In the Council of Fifty’s earliest years and in its last years, it appears that within the Council of Fifty there was an executive body of seven men. In historical literature, the only references to the Utah group of seven are D. Michael Quinn’s two citations of Council of Fifty member (and Apostle) Franklin D. Richards’ journal. On 23 June 1882, Richards recorded the following in his journal: 2 Sessions in Council of the Kingdom Committees were appointed to see after Election affairs in Idaho Territory in Nevada State-and seven John Sharp, W[illia]m Jennings, W[illiam Henry] Hooper R[obert] T[aylor] Burton, J[ohn] R[ex] Winder, A[ngus] M[unn] Cannon & Moses Thatcher-for an executive committee to meet the Commissioners with lists of names from each county for Registration of officers, Judges of Elections & any & all other duties.

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