
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Maple, Clifford Algebra, conventional math, geometrical structure


Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Physics and Astronomy


In order to progress we are often forced to adopt certain conventions. Just over a century ago, several new scientific ideas were emerging which increased the need to revise our mathematical methods and adopt new standard approaches. The Clifford Algebra was one proposed formalism that met the needs of the day yet, for whatever reason, was left behind in favor of the conventional math we are familiar with. However, as we’ve delved deeper into modern science many are now looking back to this forgotten approach because of its conceptual ease and geometrical structure [1]. Understanding the nature, benefits, and limitations of one of these approaches, the 3-dimensional Clifford Algebra ( 3 Cl ), was the focus of this project. This was done by developing a computational package, CliffAlg3, using MAPLE VII.

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Physics Commons
