
Journal of Undergraduate Research


synthesis, S-equol, phase transfer catalysis, anti-cancer compound


Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry


The purpose of this project was completion of the total organic synthesis of the anti-cancer compound (S)-equol. My goal was to carry out our planned synthesis of this molecule using Phase Transfer Catalysts, (PTCs), which promote the formation of the S enantiomer as opposed to the R enantiomer of equol (S and R enantiomers are like right and left hands, which are mirror images of each other—in organic synthesis usually only one form is desired) (1). In using PTCs it was our hope that we would be able to form (S)-equol with high yield and in a timely manner. Successful formation of (S)-equol would then lead to the continued study of this compound against breast, prostate and other forms of cancer, part of which takes place right here at BYU. This would increase the rate at which cancer research of this compound is performed, leading to its use in cancer treatments.

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Chemistry Commons
