
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Beowulf, supercomputing clusters, higher education, data manipulation


Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology


Electrical and Computer Engineering


A supercomputer may be defined as a computer that leads the world in processing capacity, particularly in terms of calculation speed. Historically, the processing power of a supercomputer has been reserved for government or scientific research agencies; however, advances in computing technology have made the supercomputer an obtainable tool for academia. The Information Age has generated enormous amounts of data, which often require the processing capacity of a supercomputer for proper analysis. Modern supercomputers are well equipped to handle the demands of most data manipulations, but their cost is usually in the millions. A supercomputer design growing in popularity is Clustered Computing. Clustered Computing produces supercomputer capabilities by networking the processing power of inexpensive, off-the- shelf computer components. One of the most affordable Clustered Computing implementations is known as a Beowulf cluster. The intent of this research is to build and analyze the performance of Beowulf clusters and identify potential applications for Beowulf clusters in higher education.
