
Journal of Undergraduate Research


debriefing sessions, teaching versus talking, Debriefing Experience Scale, DES




Simulation has become and integral part of the nursing students curriculum (Reed, 2012, Neill & Wotton. 2011). Debriefing is an important part of the simulation experience where processing and further learning is achieved (Reed, 2012). Debriefing periods may be limited (Dreifurest & Decker, 2012), thus it is wise to use the available time efficiently and efficaciously. The Debriefing Experience Scale (DES) debriefing tool is a method of evaluating the debriefing period (Reed, 2012). Many instructors are taught how to teach and instruct, but may still be developing their debriefing skills. This project will help the teacher compare his or her teaching time and the perceived evaluation of the debriefing. This project will help to identify the most useful teaching versus talking time by the instructor. This information will lead to an increase in efficient teaching methods and tools in the debriefing period.

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Nursing Commons
