
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Charlotta Elisbeth Konstantina von der Recke, Cagliostro, German-language women




German and Russian


I was awarded my mentored research project in order to contribute to an ongoing project known as the Sophie Project, directed by Dr. Michelle James. The Sophie Project is an ongoing mentored research project that collects and makes available the creative works of early German-language women. For the past three years, the Sophie researchers have been preparing a critical edition of the collected works of Elisa von der Recke. The first volume of this series is now nearing completion. Reckes works are being published as part of the Sophie Project because of the tremendous intellectual and social impact she had during her lifetime (1754-1833) and due to her connection with a number of the most influential authors, intellectuals, and political leaders across Europe. However, as has been the case with most woman authors, her texts have been largely neglected in spite of the fact that they contribute significant perspectives to the discourse of the Enlightenment.
