
Journal of Undergraduate Research


religion, spirituality, health, religious commitment, sexual activity, drugs, alcohol


David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education


Research on young adults has shown that religious commitment is related to moral development, as the two are interconnected for most people (Walker & Reimer, 2006). For example, religion impacts the view adolescents have on sexual activity by influencing their attitude toward contraception, sex outside of marriage, and what situations they place themselves in (Wallace & Williams, 1999). It has also been found that low levels of appreciation for religion are associated with a higher likelihood of binge drinking and marijuana use (Rasic, Kisely, & Langille, 2011). Further, religion can help predict prosocial actions, use of harmful substances, and sexual activity in young adults (Layton, Dollahite, & Hardy, 2011).
