
Journal of Undergraduate Research


mythogony, myth, religion study, Sai culture, mythology


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




The scope of my research was the analysis of a syncretic paradigm extending from east to west. India houses the three major ashram(a)s of a new religious movement and sub-culture, united by a mythological belief in their guru, Swami Sathya Sai Baba. The village born guru boasts a following of one million, which is made up of indigenous Indians as well as foreigners coming from as nearby as Nepal and Burma to as far as San Francisco, London, Trinidad and Portugal to name but a few of the nationalities of the people I interviewed. The culture incorporates the religious thought of as many nationalities as it represents. The contemporariness of the guru and the newness of the belief system lend themselves well to a study of how myth is created.

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