
Journal of Undergraduate Research


dendrochronology, land use, Montezuma Canyon, Euroamerican settlement


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




Montezuma Canyon, of San Juan County, Utah has a long and rich history of human occupation with land use by various peoples. The Anasazi occupied the area from 200 to 1300 A.D., at which time the area was abandoned. Euroamerican pioneers came into the canyon in the 1880’s and introduced domestic cattle, which promoted grazing into the area. Since the time of Euroamerican settlement, the landscape of Montezuma Canyon has undergone dramatic changes due to erosion. Grazing, along with various other land uses involved in ranching and farming, have been suggested as possible causes of erosion, loss of viable soils and ground water (Womack and Schumm 1977). This has led to the abandonment of small scale farming and the endangerment of Anasazi ruins located in the canyon.

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