
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Fcγ-Receptor, NF-κB, follicular dentritic cells, FDC


Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry


The purpose of this project was to determine the reason why the transcription factor NF-κB is not activated when immune complexes (especially those containing HIV) bind to its Fcγ-Receptor, but is activated in FDC’s when the same immune complex (IC) binds to its Fcγ-Receptor. We believed that certain molecules in B-cells bind to Fcγ-Receptor that are not present in the FDC to block activation of transcription. Our purpose was to successfully isolate these molecules in B cells, and then use them to perform the same function in CD 4 bearing T cells, HIV’s main target during infection. Our goal was to locate and isolate these molecules and identify them. If the activation of NF-κB can be inhibited by these molecules we can use them to inhibit transcription of HIV in infected individuals, decreasing the spread of the disease.

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Chemistry Commons
