
Journal of Undergraduate Research


special education, English, second language, ESL


David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education


The key to a successful recruitment for this project is to identify individuals who are qualified, and the best way of distributing information about the Culturally Responsive Special Education and ESL Combined Program. According to the personnel preparation grant written by Drs. Prater, Marchant, and Wilder in the department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, qualifying individuals must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and be either ethnically diverse, bilingual (Spanish preferred), or have a disability. The grant was awarded by the U. S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services in 2004 for the length of four years. Grant monies will be used to provide tuition support for candidates who are accepted into the program. In addition to the qualifications indicated by the grant, individuals who are interested in applying to the program should also be willing to follow LDS standards and BYU honor codes.
