
Journal of Undergraduate Research


musical specialist principles, Hungarian, music education, elementary education


Fine Arts and Communications




Contrary to what I expected when our team arrived in Budapest, Hungary, I found that it was not much different from our American cities. While they are speaking a different language and have different cultural expectations and norms, they wear modern clothes and live modern lives with indoor plumbing, electricity, public transportation, and the like. The story is not the same, however, for the small villages that are scattered across the Hungarian countryside. These small villages that are nearly forgotten are where their musical folk traditions live on. Sadly, because we only had two weeks to spend in Hungary, my group and I were unable to study the musical traditions in these small villages directly. Instead, we were able to discover the impact that the folk tradition has on the school’s music programs in the cities and schools of Hungary. As an elementary music specialist, I focused even more specifically on how these programs are structured to teach musicianship to children from a very young age with world-renowned success.

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Music Commons
