
Journal of Undergraduate Research


marital quality, father involvement, children, couple relationships, familial relationships


Family, Home, and Social Sciences


Family Life


The study of father involvement is a fairly new trend in research. Lamb (2000) suggested that we could define father involvement in behavior terms. These behaviors include: engagement, accessibility, and responsibility (Lamb, 2000). Fathers who are positively and behaviorally participating in these three components have, by definition, high involvement with their children. With increasing attention to the study of fathers, research has found that father involvement is a critical and unique element in the development of children: for example, higher levels of involvement influences early cognitive, language, emotional, and social development (Roggman, Boyce, Cook, Christiansen, & Jones, 2004). It is therefore important to find the prominent factors that contribute to father involvement. There have been numerous studies that have attempted to examine the kinds of factors that influence the levels to which fathers become involved in the lives of their children (Lamb, 2000). These factors include the age of the child, gender of child, the education of the father, and time fathers spend in work outside the home.

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