
Journal of Undergraduate Research


prosthetic leg, shock absorption, prosthetic design


Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology


Mechanical Engineering


The purpose of the prosthetic leg project was to research and design a below-the-knee prosthetic leg that could be used in developing countries. Many prosthetic legs that are currently on the market are very expensive and difficult to manufacture in undeveloped areas of the world. The engineering challenges that the prosthetic leg design addressed include a device that is 1) capable of being manufactured at a low cost ($100-$500), 2) simply and easily reproducible in a developing country, 3) durable enough to hold up to the vigorous conditions that exist in a developing country, and 4) able to effectively modeling the biomechanics of the human leg. Our research focused on the suspension system and structure of below-the-knee prostheses.
