
Journal of Undergraduate Research


biophysical cell membrane, chemotherapeutic, drug-induced apoptosis


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


Our project provided us the opportunity to gain insight into how chemotherapy drugs affect the cell membrane and how secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) can work in tandem with these drugs to accelerate the cell death process. The enzyme sPLA2 produces a pro-inflammatory response that plays an important role in wound protection and healing and is also associated with diseases including septic shock, atherosclerosis, and cancer. This enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes cells that exhibit specific physical membrane properties in response to cellular trauma or apoptosis (programmed cell death). We hypothesized that although chemotherapeutic agents work through different mechanisms, the drugs induce similar biophysical membrane changes. Therefore, we expected sPLA2 to increase the hydrolysis of our cancerous cell membranes after they are treated with chemotherapeutic agents irrespective of the inducer. This would suggest a role for sPLA2 as a therapeutic ally during chemotherapy.

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Physiology Commons
