
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Wnt, limb musculature, secreted proteins, mice


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


The Wnt family of secreted proteins consists of 19 family members (in the mouse) and is known to signal through multiple pathways that regulate crucial processes in the development of almost all tissues. Dissecting the roles of individual Wnts has been hampered due to functional redundancy that exists between family members. By making a conditional allele of the O-acyltransferase, Porcupine (Porcn), that is required for the secretion of all Wnt ligands, and a tissue specific enhancer to drive Cre expression, we are able to eliminate the secretion of all Wnt ligands in tissues of interest. We eliminated the secretion of ventral limb ectodermal Wnts with the use of the conditional allele of Porcn and the Msx2Cre deleter, and observed a loss and reduction of underlying musculature as shown in Figure 2 below.

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