
Journal of Undergraduate Research


genotoxic effects, ellagic acid, human HepG2 cells, cancer prevention


Life Sciences


Microbiology and Molecular Biology


Over the past few years, cancer prevention has become a more important focus for research in the fight against cancer. Recent studies suggest that perhaps as much as 70-80 % of all cancers could be prevented by diet alone. Ellagic acid is a compound found in foods like raspberries, strawberries, and apples, and is thought to be important for cancer prevention. Benzo[a]pyrene is a potent environmental carcinogen detected in substances such as cigarette smoke, cooked foods, and fossil fuel combustion. Studies involving rodents exposed to Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), whose diets included ellagic acid (EA), showed a decrease in tumor formation as compared to rodents whose diets did not include ellagic acid.1

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Microbiology Commons
