"Information-Seeking Behaviors of Nuclear Scientists" by Youngchoon Chun, Jiho Yi et al.


information, scientists, information use behaviors, science, technology


The goal of the study was to analyze the information use behaviors of researchers in the science and technology domain. A survey and interviews were conducted targeting nuclear scientists at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. Study results indicate that the nuclear scientists mainly use the Institute library/information center and Internet portal/search engines during information acquisition. Easy access to information, accuracy, currency and cost are the most critical factors in selecting and obtaining information. The most frequently used database for executing research is the Institute’s electronic library (NUCLIS21) followed by the Citation Index SCOPUS. The results of the study indicate that monographs, reports and journal articles are the most frequently used information sources in all stages of the research process. Contrary to our expectations, the usage of monographs and reports is at the same level as that of journal and proceedings articles. This indicates that it is necessary to provide monographs and reports to researchers through online information sources in addition to journal and conference proceeding articles. Provision of up-to-date lists of new monograph publications and reports would also be useful for researchers to scan for information relevant to their research in an effective and timely manner.
