"Were There Two Cumorahs?" by Sidney B. Sperry

Journal of Book of Mormon Studies


Book of Mormon Books, Ether, Book of Mormon, Books, Mosiah, Omni, Geography, Modern Church, Hill Cumorah, Modern Church, Scholarship, Publications


No one doubts that the hill where Joseph Smith received the plates is known as Cumorah, but is the hill where the final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites took place another Cumorah? The book of Ether tells us that Omer traveled to this place of the last battles of the Nephites, and that the relatively short duration of this journey would not account for the three thousand miles from Middle America to New York. A similar journey was undertaken by Limhi’s men, of equally short duration. The description of the geographical features around the final battle site is also at odds with the topography of present-day Cumorah.
