


Narcissism, generally defined as selfish egotism, has a derogatory effect on personal relationships.In an effort to help employers and others anticipate and avoid social conflicts arising from narcissistic behavior, we created the Narcissism Sociability Index (NSI). Our hypothesis assessed narcissistic behavior in two domains, grandiose state of mind and severely disturbed social relations, in an attempt to shorten the previously established Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI. Raskin & Hall,1979). The NSI is a 10-question self-report measure using a 6-point Likert scale. We used a convenience sample consisting of 105 Brigham Young University (BYU) students, their families, and friends. The NSI had questionable internal consistency (a = .62). Content validity ratios ranged from .12 to .92. Principal component analysis showed the highest loadings on the first and second components, which corresponded with our hypothesis. Only two questions loaded onto other factors. These results indicate that small revisions could lead to large increases in the reliability and validity of the NSI. Possible future directions for the NSI as a tool in the workforce are considered.

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