


Theism is largely absent from contemporary psychology (Slife & Whoolery, 2006). The root assumptions ,f control predictability, biological determinism, and moral relativism inherent in many dominant psychological theories (Slife & Williams, 1995) and contradict knowledge provided by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to fully incorporate Gospel doctrines into psychology while operating under these assumptions. Such truths cannot be added onto methods and theories that inherently oppose them. Thus, to be a theist in contemporary psychology, changes must be made at the very basic conceptions of human nature and behavior (Slife & Whoolery, 2006). Prerequisite to any psychological research, theories, or therapy should be the foundational knowledge of the relationship between the body ad spirit, the importance of agency, and the Atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Building psychology upon these doctrines more accurately captures the unique divine nature .j each person, illuminates the significance of individual context , and provides a foundation of hope that can lead to truly transformative change.

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