"Think About It: Using Mindfulness as a Means to Treat Eating Disorders" by Gabriella C. Breen


mindfulness, eating disorders, therapy


Eating disorders are complicated and prevalent issues among the general population; it is estimated that 30 million people are affected in the United States alone (Foundation for Research and Education in Eating Disorders, 2018). Because of the complex psychological nature of eating disorders, it is difficult to find a treatment that is broadly effective. Traditional therapies include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. In recent years, mindfulness has emerged as a potentially effective way to treat eating disorders due to its ability to reduce maladaptive coping strategies, improve emotional regulation, and treat anorexia nervosa (Cowdrey & Park, 2012; Hernando et al., 2019; Kerin, Webb, & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2018). Unlike other therapies, mindfulness can be used as a preventative measure as well (Atkinson & Wade, 2016; Klassen-Bolding, 2018). Since the practice of mindfulness as a therapy is a fairly new development, further research on its long-term effects is warranted.

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