Volume 32 (2024)
Front Matter
Compassion as the Heart of the Gospel
Daniel C. Peterson
Revisiting “Sariah” at Elephantine
Neal Rappleye
The Record of My Father
Clifford P. Jones
The First Easter
S. Kent Brown
Procedural Violations in the Trial of the Woman Taken in Adultery
Steven T. Densley Jr.
Joseph Smith: The World’s Greatest Guesser (A Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Positive and Negative Correspondences between the Book of Mormon and The Maya)
Bruce E. Dale and Brian M. Dale
Joseph Knew First: Moses, the Egyptian Son
Nathan J. Arp
D&C 21, George Albert Smith, and Hugh B. Brown: A Fresh Look at Three Incidents in Church History
Duane Boyce
Prospering in the Land: A Comparison of Covenant Promises in Leviticus and First Nephi 2
Kerry Muhlestein
“And They Shall Be Had Again”: Onomastic Allusions to Joseph in Moses 1:41 in View of the So-called Canon Formula
Matthew L. Bowen
A Nourishing and Accessible Read
Morgan Deane