Saints, God's kingdom, Mormons, LDS Church
Some vocal cultural Mormons, busy asking themselves “why stay,” claim that it is not at all probable that there is a God, or that there even was a Jesus of Nazareth. They also ridicule the Atonement. In the language of our scriptures they are an tichrists—that is, they deny that there was or is a Christ. Being thus against the King and His Kingdom, their trumpet does not give a clear sound; they are clearly against the one whom they made a solemn covenant to defend and sustain. Instead of seek ing diligently to become genuine Holy Ones or Saints, they wor ship an idol—they have turned from the Way by fashioning an idol. They preach and practice a petty idolatry. Genuine Saints, including disciple-scholars, have a duty to defend the King and His Kingdom.
Recommended Citation
Midgley, Louis C.
"Defending the King and His Kingdom,"
Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship: Vol. 2, Article 10.
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