
Insights: The Newsletter of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship

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Jewish Professor Lectures, Book of Mormon, First Edition Book of Mormon, James Gilruth, Louis Edward Hills, Dutch readers, metal plates, 1828 Webster's Dictionary, bibliography contest


In the fall of 1978 Professor Joseph P. Schlutz, Professor of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, conducted a semester-long seminar in which he and the class together considered various Jewish elements present in the Book of Mormon. The lectures considered such topic~ as the concept of God, cosmology, prophecy, law, sacrifice, prayer, liturgy, festivals, family and political institutions, messianism, and views of the afterlife. About 20 students participated in the seminar and through the generosity of several of them , F.A.R.M.S. has been able to obtain two sets of cassette recordings of the sessions. In the next few months, these tapes will be transcribed and prepared for convenient use. Watch for the written copies of these interesting lectures to become available.
