Insights: The Newsletter of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship
Article Title
Research Committee Reports
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies research committee, Book of Mormon Studies, New World studies, ancient Americas, John Sorenson
FARMS is organized around research committees who largely determine the Foundation's program . The first fully-staffed committee is the twelve person panel on Book of Mormon-New World, chaired by John Sorenson. Its duties include evaluating research projects for technical adequacy, noting approaches or topics which might be fruitfully pursued, reporting on relevant research presented at professional meetings, responding to inquiries in their area of expertise, and otherwise serving as a panel of helpful scholarly resources . An evaluative and scholarly arm, not an administrative entity, the group's members vary in degree of involvement according to the time they feel they can spare from professional activities, ranging from "active bystander" to "enthusiast ."
Recommended Citation
"Research Committee Reports,"
Insights: The Newsletter of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship: Vol. 1:
1, Article 4.
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