Volume 9, Number 1 (1989)
Front Matter
Gamader's Maid
Derek Gullino
Pima Potae
Cherry Douch
In High Heel Shoes
Lee Ann Mortensen
What David Does She Should Call Wonderful
Brian Kubaryez
Black Walnut
Suzanne Kimball
Elegy for John Donne: For the Bearded Guy
Margaret B. Young
Crossing the Bridge
Courtney Carr
In Asuncion
Gonzalo Aldren
A Day in Ulster
Stephen Jackson
J. Lee Simons
Philip White
After the Wedding
Philip White
Frogs in Paria Canyon
Laura Hamblin
The Next Weird Sister Loses Weight
Laura Hamblin
On A Photo by Cartier-Bresson: 1928
Brent Pace
When the German House Tree Blew Down
Brent Pace
Every Farmer's Fence
Teresa Keenan
Death Smiles
Michael Huff