Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 55, Number 4 (1995)
Front Matter
Classification of the riparian vegetation along a 6-km reach of the Animas River, southwestern Colorado
Gillian M. Walford and William L. Baker
Additions to knowledge of Paleocene mammals from the North Horn Formation, central Utah
Richard L. Cifelli, Nicholas J. Czaplewski, and Kenneth D. Rose
Springtime movements, boost use, and foraging activity of Townsend's big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii) in central Oregon
David S. Dobkin, Ronald D. Gettinger, and Michael G. Gerdes
Names and types in perennial Atriplex Linnaeus (Chenopodiaceae) in North America selectively exclusive of Mexico
Stanley L. Welsh and Clifford Crompton
New records of Scolytidae from Washington State
Malcolm M. Furniss and James B. Johnson
Grasshopper densities on grazed and ungrazed rangeland under drought conditions in southern Idaho
Dennis J. Fielding and Merlyn A. Brusven
Plant novelties in Lepidium (Cruciferae) and Artemisia (Compositae) from the Uinta Basin, Utah
Stanley L. Welsh and Sherel Goodrich
Prey choices and foraging efficiency of recently fledged California Gulls at Mono Lake, California
Chris S. Elphick and Margaret A. Rubega
Hybridization between Bufo woodhousii and Bufo punctatus from the Grand Canyon region of Arizona
Keith Malmos, Robert Reed, and Bryan Starrett
Reproduction in the banded sand snake, Chilomeniscus cinctus (Colubridae), from Arizona
Stephen R. Goldberg
No acoustic benefit to subterranean calling in the cicada Okanagana pallidula Davis (Homoptera: Tibicinidae)
Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips
Book Review
Natural History of the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin by K. T. Harper, L. L. St. Clair, K. H. Thorne, and W. M. Hess
B. C. Kondratieff
End Matter
Full Issue