Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 53, Number 4 (1993)
Front Matter
Seasonal trends and colonization patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in two streams with contrasting flow regimes
Christopher T. Robinson, G. Wayne Minshall, and Lynn Van Every
Nonstructural carbohydrate and element pools in globemallow (Sphaeralcea): defoliation effects and seasonal trends
Bruce M. Pendery, M. D. Rumbaugh, H. F. Mayland, and Philip A. Harrison
Temporal and spatial patterns of small mammal density and species composition on a radioactive waste disposal area: the role of edge habitat
John D. Boone and Barry L. Keller
Phytoplankton in a high-elevation lake, Colorado Front Range: application to lake acidification
Dale Toetz and John Windell
Effects of soil structure on burrow characteristics of five small mammal species
John W. Laundré and Timothy D. Reynolds
Morphology and growth variation of Agropyron smithii Rydb. (western wheatgrass) at different salinity levels
Rengen Ueng and Ivo E. Lindauer
Comparison between plant species in bushy-tailed woodrat middens and in the habitat
Barbara A. Frase and Wendy E. Sera
Long-term fluctuations of an isolated populaton of the Pacific chorus frog (Psuedacris regilla) in northwestern Nevada
Norman H. Weitzel and Howard R. Panik
Association of black-tailed prairie dog colonies with cattle point attractants in the Northern Great Plains
Daniel S. Licht and Kenneth D. Sanchez
Human fatalities caused by venomous animals in Utah, 1900–90
Richard C. Straight and James L. Glenn
Some new records of Naididae and Tubificidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Washington
Douglas R. Spencer and Robert E. Wisseman
Distribution of the southwestern toad (Bufo microscaphus) in Arizona
Brian K. Sullivan
Double mound of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Myrmicinae)
William H. Clark
Autumn–winter habitat Use o Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus, Tetraonidae)
Terry Z. Riley, Charles A. Davis, and Randall A. Smith
End Matter
Full Issue