Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 52, Number 2 (1992)
Front Matter
Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecology
James R. Ehleringer, Lois A. Arnow, Ted Arnow, Irving B. McNulty, and Norman C. Negus
Diatom flora of Beaver Dam Creek, Washington County, Utah, USA
Kurtis H. Yearsley, Samuel R. Rushforth, and Jeffrey R. Johansen
Stratification of habitats for identifying habitat selection by Merriam's Turkeys
Mark A. Rumble and Stanley H. Anderson
Pollinator preferences for yellow, orange, and red flowers of Mimulus verbenaceus and M. cardinalis
Paul K. Vickery Jr.
Soil loosening processes following the abandonment of two arid western Nevada townsites
Paul A. Knapp
Biochemical differentiation in the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus (Rodenta: Scuridae)
Ayesha E. Gill and Eric Yensen
New genus, Aplanusiella, and two new species of leafhoppers from southwestern United States (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae)
M. W. Nielson and B. A. Haws
Summer habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in western Idaho
Victoria Ann Saab and Jeffrey Shaw Marks
Characteristics of sites occupied by subspecies of Artemisia tridentata in the Piceance Basin, Colorado
Thomas R. Cottrell and Charles D. Bonham
Use of lakes and reservoirs by migrating shorebirds in Idaho
Daniel M. Taylor and Charles H. Trost
Dispersal of squarrose knapweed (Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa) capitula by sheep on rangeland in Juab County, Utah
Cindy Talbott Roché, Ben F. Roché Jr., and G. Allen Rasmussen
Vegetation associated with two alien plant species in a fescue grassland in Glacier National Park, Montana
Robin W. Tyser
End Matter
Full Issue