
Great Basin Naturalist


Seeds of the perennial shrub Ambrosia dumosa germinated in abundance following 11 days of rain during August 1983 at a study site in the northern Mojave Desert. Seedling establishment, growth, and reproduction were observed in natural vegetation and in an area that had been previously cleared of vegetation. For 5,527 A. dumosa seedlings, percent survival in April 1986 averaged 3% in the undisturbed vegetation and 58% in the denuded area. Seedlings occupying the cleared area had grown to sizes up to 0. 1 m3 m by October 1984; some produced flowers and fruit in the spring of 1985. Surviving seedlings in the undisturbed vegetation were all smaller than 0.001 m3 and did not reproduce. These pronounced differences in growth, survival, and reproduction associated with the presence or absence of adult shrubs demonstrated an intense competition that is incompatible with indications of mild competition from nearest-neighbor analyses. I therefore hypothesize that competition for water occurred, not by competition for water in two dimensions but by rapid use of a common resource, as if several people were drinking with straws from a common cup. This temporal mechanism would strongly favor adults over seedlings.
