Great Basin Naturalist
Seed rain was collected on six paired tree harvest and undisturbed plots in singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla)–Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) stands. Approximately 14,600 seeds were collected during four years. Seed rain in undisturbed plots was similar to levels in mixed forest communities. Seed rain on harvest plots was similar to disturbed sites and grasslands. Seed rain levels reflect the current successional stage rather than the climax community type for the site. Seed rain increased in numbers and seed production per unit of plant cover following tree removal and especially on transition soil microsites. Only three to four of the plant species present on a site contributed greater than 10% of the total seed rain. Seed rain composition was similar on harvest and undisturbed plots (Jaccard Similarity Index Values = 47% to 67%) and explains in part the rapid reestablishment of predisturbance understory communities.
Recommended Citation
Everett, Richard L.
"Understory seed rain in harvested pinyon-juniper woodlands,"
Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 46:
4, Article 15.
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