
Great Basin Naturalist


The spittlebug, Aphrophora canadensis Walley (Homoptera: Cercopidae), was discovered at Moscow, Idaho, in 1979 infesting Pinus mugo Turra, an exotic ornamental pine. Masses of spittle, densely populated with nymphs, have continued to be abundant since then. The nymphs congregated and fed mainly on cones and did not cause visible reddening of foliage that is typical of other pine-infesting spittlebugs. Immature stages and behavior are described for the first time and are compared to other nearctic pine-infesting species. Beginning in mid-August, eggs were laid under fascicle sheaths at the bases of needles, where they overwintered. Nymphs appeared in late April and began transforming to adults in mid-July. Mating occurred from early August to late September. Adults lingered in diminishing numbers until mid-October.
