Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 42, Number 4 (1982)
Front Matter
Ants of Utah
Dorald M. Allred
Vegetal responses and big game values after thinning regenerating lodgepole pine
D. D. Austin and Philip J. Urness
Habitat manipulation for reestablishment of Utah prairie dogs in Capitol Reef National Park
Rodney L. Player and Philip J. Urness
Distribution and relative abundance of fish in Ruth Reservoir, California, in relation to environmental variables
Steven Vigg and Thomas J. Hassler
Observations on woundfin spawning and growth in an outdoor experimental stream
Paul Greger and James E. Deacon
Early development of the razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott)
W. L. Minckley and Eric S. Gustafson
Behavior and habitat preferences of ring-necked pheasants during late winter in central Utah
Jeffrey G. Skousen and Jack D. Brotherson
Rhythm of fecal production and protein content for black-tailed jackrabbits
William D. Steigers Jr., Jerran T. Flinders, and Susan M. White
Prairie dog colony attributes and associated vertebrate species
Tim W. Clark, Thomas M. Campbell III, David G. Socha, and Denise E. Casey
Insular biogeography of mammals in the Great Salt Lake
Michael A. Bowers
Dorsal hair length and coat color in Abert's squirrel (Sciurus aberti)
Denis C. Hancock Jr. and Donald J. Nash
The raccoon, Procyon Iotor, in Wyoming
E. Blake Hart
Intercanine crown distances in red foxes and badgers
E. Blake Hart
End Matter
Full Issue