
Great Basin Naturalist


A revision of the rose family, Rosaceae, is presented for the state of Utah. Included are 115 species and 9 varieties of indigenous and introduced plants in 35 genera. A key to the genera and species is provided, along with detailed descriptions, distributional data, and pertinent comments. Proposed as a new taxon is Crataegus douglasii Lindl. var. duchesnensis Welsh. New combinations include Potentilla concinna Richards var. bicrenata (Rydb.) Welsh & Johnston; P. concinna var. modesta (Rydb.) Welsh & Johnston; P. concinna var. proxima (Rydb.) Welsh & Johnston; P. glandulosa Lindl. var. micropetala (Rydb.) Welsh & Johnston; P. ovina J. M. Macoun var. decurrens (Wats.) Welsh & Johnston; P. pensylvanica L. var. paucijuga (Rydb.) Welsh & Johnston.
