Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 40, Number 1 (1980)
Front Matter
Some aspects of succession in the spruce-fir forest zone of northern Utah
David J. Schimpf, Jan A. Henderson, and James A. MacMahon
Utah flora: Malvaceae
Stanley L. Welsh
Utah flora: miscellaneous families
Stanley L. Welsh
The taxonomic status of the rosy boa Lichanura roseofusca (Serpentes: Boidae)
John R. Ottley, Robert W. Murphy, and Geoffrey V. Smith
Hesperoperla hoguei, a new species of stonefly from California (Plecoptera: Perlidae)
Richard W. Baumann and Bill P. Stark
Reproduction in three sympatric lizard species from west-central Utah
John B. Andre and James A. MacMahon
Haplopappus alpinus (Asteraceae): a new species from Nevada
Loran C. Anderson
Miscellaneous plant novelties from Alaska, Nevada, and Utah
Stanley L. Welsh and Sherel Goodrich
The bacterium Thioploca ingrica on wet walls in Zion National Park, Utah
Samuel R. Rushforth, Sheril D. Burton, Jeffrey R. Johansen, and Judith A. Grimes
End Matter
Full Issue