spacecraft thermal control, radiator, passive, dynamic
CubeSat thermal control can be especially demanding due to volume and size constraints, high power dissipation per unit surface area, and highly variable internal and external heat loads. As such, CubeSat developers must rely on thermal control systems that meet the specific requirements of their mission and environmental conditions. Deployable radiators enable satellites to increase their radiative surface area and to reveal highly emissive surfaces during times when increased heat rejection is desired. In colder conditions, when decreased heat loss is preferable, the radiators can be stowed. Passive thermal control systems are unpowered and can increase system reliability by not relying on control electronics while offering decreased weight and power requirements. In this work, we propose a deployable array of triangular radiator panels that are independently and passively actuated by bimetallic coils in response to changes in temperature. This system demonstrates the use of bimetallic coils to passively deploy and stow the radiator fins as well as the use of multiple CubeSat radiator fins with independent actuators to provide increased redundancy. An experimental prototype of the system design was subjected to vacuum chamber testing with panels held in a fixed, deployed position to obtain temperature data used to tune a thermal simulation model. The prototype was then placed in a cryogenically cooled vacuum chamber environment with the panels free to actuate passively in response to varied heating conditions. Both steady state and transient testing were performed. Through this testing and the use of the tuned thermal simulation, the experimental prototype is determined to have a turndown ratio (largest cooling power / smallest cooling power) of 5.4. Deployment of the radiator panels serves to reduce CubeSat body temperatures by 45 °C. Results show the efficacy of the bimetallic coil actuators and radiator fin array in providing passive, dynamic thermal control to small satellites. Recommendations are made to further enhance the performance of the system. Of these recommendations, the most critical is to improve the thermal conductive path from the CubeSat body to the bimetallic coils and to the triangular radiator panels across the deployable radiator hinge. Such changes provide the possibility of increasing the maximum heat rejection, responsiveness of the thermal control system, and turndown ratio to 9 or greater.
Original Publication Citation
5. Cannon, J., Mulford, R. B., and Iverson, B. D.§, 2024, “Triangular fin array passively actuated by bimetallic coils for CubeSat thermal control,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 240, p. 122239. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.122239
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Cannon, Josh; Mulford, Rydge B.; and Iverson, Brian D., "Triangular Fin Array Passively Actuated by Bimetallic Coils for CubeSat Thermal Control" (2023). Faculty Publications. 7390.
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Applied Thermal Engineering
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
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