
Autism, Autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, Siblings, Photo elicitation.


This study used photography to capture important symbols in the lives of 14 siblings of 13 youth with autism (ASD) and 16 siblings of 15 youth with Down syndrome (DS), and then determine if there were differences in photographs taken according to type of developmental disability, age, and gender of the sibling. Photographs were divided into two categories: photographs of people, including family and non-family members, and non-people, including personal items/objects, animals, and buildings/scenery. Siblings of youth with DS took a higher percent age of photographs of people and family members than siblings of youth with ASD. There were also differences according to age and gender in the people/non people and within family photographs. The 7-9-year-olds took a higher percentage of snapshots of typically developing siblings and him/herself whereas the 10-12-year-olds and the 13-16-year-olds took a higher percentage of photographs of the youth with the disability than the younger age group. Sisters took a higher proportion of people photographs than brothers, while brothers took a higher proportion of family photographs than sisters. Results validate the importance of gathering data in an open-ended manner directly from young people, confirm the use of photography as a method of facilitating communication with young people about important symbols in their lives, and indicate there are differences in the percentage of photographs taken of people/non people and family/non family according to disability, age, and gender of siblings.

Original Publication Citation

*Rosemann, J. L., *Palichara, A. L. L. *Rampton. T., Mandleco, B. M., Dyches, T. T., & Freeborn, D. (2015). Sibling snapshots: Living with youth who have autism or Down syndrome. International Journal of Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine, 2, 13-30.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date



International Journal of Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine




David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor
