In the spring of 1999 NASA will launch the scatterometer SeaWinds, beginning a 3 year mission to measure the ocean winds. SeaWinds is different from previous spaceborne scatterometers in that it employs a rotating pencil-beam antenna as opposed to fixed fan-beam antennas. The scanning beam provides greater coverage but causes the wind retrieval accuracy to vary across the swath. This thesis develops a filed-wise wind retrieval algorithm to improve the overall wind retrieval accuracy for use with SeaWinds data.
In order to test the field-wise wind retrieval algorithm, methods for simulating wind fields are developed. A realistic approach interpolates the NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) estimates to fill a SeaWinds swath using optimal interpolation along with linear wind filed models.
The two stages of the field-wise wind retrieval algorithm are filed-wise estimation and field-wise ambiguity selection. Field-wise estimation is implemented using a 22 parameter Karhunen-Loeve (KL) wind field model in conjunction with a maximum likelihood objective function. An augmented multi-start global optimization is developed which uses information from the point-wise estimates to aid in a global search of the objective function. The local minima in the objective function are located using the augmented multi-start search techniques and are stored as field-wise ambiguities.
The ambiguity selection algorithm uses a field-wise median filter to select the field-wise ambiguity closest to the true wind in each region. Point-wise nudging is used to further improve the filed-wise estimate using information from the point-wise estimates. Combined, these two techniques select a good estimate of the wind 95% of the time.
The overall performance of the field-wise wind retrieval algorithm is compared with the performance of the current point-wise techniques. Field-wise estimation techniques are shown to be potentially better than point-wise techniques. The field-wise estimates are also shown to be very useful tools in point-wise ambiguity selection since 95.8%-96.6% of the point-wise estimates closest to the field-wise estimates are the correct aliases.
College and Department
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Electrical and Computer Engineering
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Richards, Stephen L., "A Field-Wise Retrieval Algorithm for SeaWinds" (2003). Theses and Dissertations. 74.
Date Submitted
Document Type
wind model, Karhunen-Loeve, radar backscatter, field-wise wind retrieval, NSCAT, NASA Scatterometer, point-wise retrieval, ambiguity removal, ambiguity selection, scatterometry