BYU ScholarsArchive - BYU English Symposium: The Blind Can See: Revisiting Disability in Jane Eyre

Content Category

Literary Criticism


Scholars have often criticized Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre for its antiquated approach to disability. However, these scholars tend to focus on physical or biological disability without delving into the possibility of metaphorical disability (such as Jane's naiveté). By looking at disability as both literal and figurative, we can see how both Jane and Edward are blind, and that their story is one of learning to see through breaking down the binaries associated with blindness and disability.

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Start Date

19-3-2015 1:15 PM

End Date

19-3-2015 2:45 PM


Mar 19th, 1:15 PM Mar 19th, 2:45 PM

The Blind Can See: Revisiting Disability in Jane Eyre


Scholars have often criticized Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre for its antiquated approach to disability. However, these scholars tend to focus on physical or biological disability without delving into the possibility of metaphorical disability (such as Jane's naiveté). By looking at disability as both literal and figurative, we can see how both Jane and Edward are blind, and that their story is one of learning to see through breaking down the binaries associated with blindness and disability.