Ethiopia, biblical references, ancient Ethiopian history, Ethiopian civilization
The name Ethiopia is associated in the Book of Genesis with the creation of the world, indicating a sacred and ancient heritage. We find Ethiopia mentioned as having relations with the ancient Biblical nations such as Israel, Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia. Ethiopians get uplifting gratification in reading specific scriptural references from the Bible and applying them to the country. These Biblical allusions include discussion of the Queen of Sheba and her son, King Menelik the First, born from her relationship with King Solomon, who was himself the son of King David, the founder from whom came the lineal parentage of Jesus Christ. Ethiopians also refer to Moses, whose wife is mentioned in the Bible as an Ethiopian lady.
Recommended Citation
Isaac, Tseggai
"Ethiopia: Ancient Glory, Awaiting Recovery,"
Comparative Civilizations Review: Vol. 92:
1, Article 11.
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