"The Psychology of Fascism: Wilhelm Reich Et Al" by Kenneth Feigenbaum


fascism, fascist personalities, Right-Wing authoritarian, authoritarian personality


There are innumerable definitions and explanations of fascism in the literature of the social and behavioral sciences. This paper only explicates one: the concept of a fascist personality. It focuses on the early work by scholars in this area, beginning with the writings of the 20th century psychiatrist and student of Sigmund Freud, Austrian and American intellectual, Dr. Wilhelm Reich.

In the short story/essay that follows this article, allusion is made by the author — the late writer and United Nations staff member Shawna V. Tropp — to the circle which grew up around Wilhelm Reich. This was a significant presence in New York and other East Coast locations, especially, during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.

Below, we begin by discussing two related concepts: “the Right-Wing authoritarian” and “the authoritarian personality.”
