"Nationalism in the Context of Globalization" by Mariana Tepfenhart, M.A.


nationalism, globalism, globalization


To understand the connection and consequences between nationalism and globalism, I will start with a basic definition of nationalism. According to Websters Dictionary, nations that are focused on national, not international goals, are nationalistic. A nation comprises the same language, customs, and traditions.

Some scholars have argued that nationalism has historical roots. People have been bonded by ethnicity and politics from ancient times. Others consider nationalism as a modern phenomenon due to industrialization, democratization, and modern technology. Jonathan Hearn1 from the University of Edinburgh has argued that some states are more homogeneous than others and they have strong senses of nationalism while others can adjust better to diversity or multiculturalism.

Globalization refers to global economy, free trade, cheap labor, and markets. There are different opinions about the beginning of globalization. In his article Nationalism and Globalization, Jorgen Osterhammel identified three schools that have equal support for explaining the beginning of globalization.
